Privacy Policy

PMT tracks several technical data, such as IP addresses and types of browsers used by the website’s visitors, without linking such data to any information which could identify such persons. In practice, this means that a visitor’s behavior on our website is tracked, but the visitor remains anonymous. The purpose of the above is to draw statistics with regard to overall website traffic, rather than to track each individual visitor. This information is used to improve less popular pages and add content to more popular pages.
Where the collection of personal data is required (mailing list inscription, product purchase etc.), PMT expressly states that such information shall, in no case, be disclosed to third parties, unless otherwise required under the law. The personal data collected shall be used for communication purposes exclusively with a view to promoting products and services of PMT, and visitors shall at all instances have the option to unsubscribe from the mailing list in a clear and understandable way.
This website includes links to external websites; PMT may not be held liable for the data protection policy of such websites.